Wealthy Caucasian Baby Boomer

·     Name; Tommy Turner
·     Birthday;  July 7th 1959
·     He was born in Greenwood, Mississippi and lived there until he was in the sixth grade. When he was in the sixth grade his family moved to Fulton, Mississippi.
·     Education struggles: He never really had any education struggles, there was never a question of whether or not he would graduate from high school or go to college.
·     Education success: He graduated from high school in 1977 then spent three years at Itawamba Junior College (now known as Itawamba Community College) before transferring to Delta State University. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from Delta state and then moved to Ole Miss to go to Pharmacy School. He graduated from Pharmacy school in 1985.
·     Favorite teacher: His favorite teacher was in algebra teacher, Mrs. Garrison. He liked her because she did a very good job of teaching. She was able to give him such a good foundation in math that he was successful throughout his school career in any math he took.
·     One thing he would change: He would not change anything about his past because everything that happened made him who he is today.
·     Historical influences: Civil Rights movement
·     The Civil Rights movement affected him greatly! When he started his 5th grade year at a school in Greenwood Mississippi he was in a class of all white students. During Christmas break the Civil Rights movement forced his school to allow African Americans to attend school there. After Christmas when he returned, his class and entire school had an equal number of white students and African American students. His parents were not thrilled with this situation, so they pulled him from that school and put him in a private school for the remainder of his 5th grade year. Before the next school year he and his family moved to Fulton, Mississippi.
·     Core values: work hard!! In order to be successful in life a person must work hard.
·     Family experience: He lived with his mom, dad, older sister and little brother. Their family unit was strong.
·     View on education: Education is very important because it is what gets you somewhere in life.
·     Typical school day:  His typical day at school was very similar to the school day now. Started about 7:30 and ended at about 3:00. He had the same basic classes and a few advanced classes like chemistry and advance trig that were offered.
·     Extracurricular activities: The extracurricular activities that were offered to him were the same as today except they did not have softball. He played football all through high school, so that was a big part of his school life.
·     Respect for authority: He respected authority, especially his teachers. They taught him a lot and he knew that education was important.
·     Work ethic: He has a very strong work ethic. He knows that work is important and he does not like to do a bad job at it. His belief is that he is getting paid to do the job so he is obligated to do the job and do it well.
·     Who worked and the impact on future generations: His dad was a pharmacist, and his mom worked as a nurse. His mother took off from work after her first child was born and did not return to work until the youngest was in first grade. His parent’s dedication to work and strong work ethic instilled a good work ethic in them. They were taught that work was important for the family.
·     Respect for authority: He has a lot of respect for authority. He knows that he can learn a lot from them.
·     View of time at work: He does not mind going to work because it is important. When he is at work he wants to be productive and not lazy.
·     Workplace skills: Most people of this generation are able to bring a lot to the workplace. For example, many of them have a college degree which is a valuable asset. Many of them also have a strong work ethic which is valuable for the workplace.
·     Work and family: He thinks it is important to spend time with family, so it is important to learn how to balance work and family life so that a person can be successful at both things.
·     Preferred work environment: He said his preferred work environment would be one where he does not have to deal with the public. He would also like a place where he could work eight hour days with no weekends and holidays. He said that he is at the point in his life where work is not the most important thing. He asked worked for a long time and he is ready to relax now and just work part time.
·     Looking for a job: When he is looking for a job, he wants one that pays well. He has always had a nice amount of money and he wants to keep that. He would also look for a job that did not involve working with the public. He likes to take a lot of vacations so he would need a job that is flexible with hours.
·     Assets: Assets that he brings to the workplace are that he is patient, honest and hardworking. Most people from this generation are very hard workers and will get the job done right and on time.
·     Liabilities:  Liabilities that he brings to the workplace are that he wants off a lot and that he is not very good with technology. He learns the bare minimum when it comes to technology and does not want to learn more. A lot of people from this generation have the same view on technology, so it may take longer to get them use to working somewhere with a lot of technology.
·     Keys to remember: A key thing to remember when working with Tommy is that he is very laid back and hardly ever serious. He likes to get the job done, but he does not mind having fun while doing it. Also a person has to remember that people of this generation may not know how to use technology as well as people of later generations.
·     Leadership style: He expects people to do what they are told to do. Most people of this generation expect people to have a strong work ethic just like they do and they will not accept any less.
·     view on
A)      technology: He HATES technology. He did not have it growing up and he does not know how to use it. Many people of this generation have the same view on it while others are willing to learn how to use it and see the benefits of it.
B)      Communication: He does not really like how it is so easy to get in touch with him. He is the kind of person that would rather be left alone, and with the advancements in communication it is a lot harder to be left alone.