Hispanic American Baby Boomer

Carlos Cartas is 50 years old, Cuban and grew up in Memphis, TN.  He was born in Cuba and moved to Memphis when he was 3.
1. What are the historical influences on this generation?  Political unrest in his native country (revolution that put Castro in power) and potential threat of war with the US.  Civil right challenges during his elementary years and then the Vietnam war.

2. What impact did these historical influences have on this generation?  The Cuban revolution generated hatred and contempt for the communist government and forced expatriated Cubans to "start over" in the U.S.
3. What are the core values of this generation?  Strong work ethic and emphasis on education.
4. What was/is the family experience like for this generation?  Given that they had to escape from Cuba there was a lot of stress in the early years but the family was very close as a result.
5. What is the value of education for this generation? Was a very important requirement.  Parents were well educated so emphasis on education with children was highly stressed.
6. What was the school day like for this generation?  Pretty much just like any other children.  Attended public school and although english was a second language, was able learn quickly.  Did not experience difficulty that I was aware of.
7. What did/does this generation think of their teachers?  Had a high level of respect for teachers and pretty much did anything they asked without question.
8. What role did extracurricular activities play in this generation’s school day/life?  Not very active in school activities but was in private activities with music and art.
9. What is the work ethic of this generation?  Strong but not as strong as parents.
10. Who worked? Why? What impact did that have on future generations?  Only the father worked (was a doctor).  Did not impact future generation okay with Mother working.
11. What is this generation’s view of organizational management /charts? What is this generation’s view of respect for authority?  Respects organizational charts and authority.  Fully embraces the corporate environment.
12. What is this generation’s view of time at work? Expects to work long hours and work hard.
13. How does workplace skills or training look like for this generation?  Very positive.  Had plenty of opportunity for training and education.
14. What does this generation’s views on work life and balance of family?  Does not sacrifice family for work but does spend more time working than father did.
15. What is this generation’s work ethic and values? Has strong religious feelings and believe I must work hard.
16. What is this generation’s preferred work environment?  Likes working from home rather than in an office.
17. What did this generation look for in a job?  Financial reward.
18. What assets does this generation bring to the workplace?  Strong education and ability to think creatively.
19. What liabilities does this generation bring to the workplace?  Financial expectations may be too high.
20. What are the keys to remember when working with this generation?  They are very smart, think outside of the box and will push hard to get what they want.
21. What is this generation’s leadership style?  Democratic.  Like to use committees and groups to make decision.
22. What is this generation’s interactive style?  Very open.  Engage easily and have open door.
23. What is this generation’s view on:
a. Technology embraces technology and adopts early
b. Communication use all means available but prefer email
c. Feedbacks and rewards want constant feedback and big rewards
24. What is this generation’s view of retirement? Wants to retire but expect to be working much longer than parents did
Ask these people what were their education struggles and successes? Did not struggle financially with education but tended to party a lot and not focus too hard on academics.  Am very successful nonetheless, and achieved and advanced degree.

Who was their favorite teacher?   Had an english teacher in middle school that worked extra time to improve English skills.
Why? If they could change one thing, what would it be? Would like to go back to Cuba in a democratic environment and reclaim family's lost assets and way of life.