Wealthy African American Baby Boomer

Walter Taylor
Associate Dean and Professor at MSU
Born: May 1950
From: Virginia
1.  What are the historical influences on this generation?
Civil Rights movement, assassination of Kennedy, MLK, VIRGINIA STATE unrest, Vietnam war, ROTC, couldn’t wear uniforms because they didn’t want to ensue violence, they could protest things, he got on a bus went to Richmond and marched.
IF you wanted to change something, you marched
2.      What impact did these historical influences have on this generation?
-made you into a hard worker, you got what you worked hard for
3.      What are the core values of this generation?

Hard work is the main one, people coming up, worked hard remember students in his graduating class success

4.      What was/is the family experience like for this generation?
More centered around family, large family, but if you had older siblings-they worked and passed the work down to another sibling-hard work
-father worked, mother-worked but was a homemaker,  paid for your own expenses
5. What is the value of education for this generation?
The value of a high school education-held in a high esteem, smaller percentage went on to college
Education was valued, especially in my family-expected to graduate high school
6. What was the school day like for this generation?
Our school, things are different now, when he went to school teachers taught and students learned, used to get a 15 min recess, afternoon 15 min recess, expectations were great and very high, went to a segregated high school- when he graduated in became integrated, when teachers saw you had potential they tried to find scholarships for their students, rode buses- 2 grades in the same room, one teacher would teach two grades at one time
7.      What did/does this generation think of their teachers?
Teachers expected a lot of you; a lot of mutual respect, parents would never side with their child,
8. What role did extracurricular activities play in this generation’s school day/life?
There were none, band and chorus, basketball, didn’t have football, more emphasis on education than extracurricular activity, maybe one or two programs at night a year, but not many
9.What is the work ethic of this generation?
Hard working, parents would model what was expected of their children, even the kids that dropped out would go to work, cars would cause students to drop out, get a job to pay for it
10.    Who worked? Why? What impact did that have on future generations?
Dad worked, mom was a homemaker, all kids when they were old enough worked,
Dr. Taylor had 8 lawns he had to mow on a tractor, worked in the garden

11.     What is this generation’s view of organizational management /charts?
First job, ship yard in Virginia, worked for one year after high school to earn money for college, and knew who my supervisor-respected him and did whatever he asked you too,  he knew his job, knew what he had to do without being asked though, pipe coverer

12.   What is this generation’s view of time at work?
-work ethic- did the job, no questions asked
13.   How does workplace skills or training look like for this generation?
Skilled, works well with others, motivated
14.   What does this generation’s views on work life and balance of family?
There was balance, very close knit family, but you knew your job and would pass it down to younger sibling as you grew
15.    What is this generation’s work ethic and values?
Hard working, values-being successful
16.    What is this generation’s preferred work environment?
-assistant of dean, university, prefer being around people who are from different backgrounds, but prefer at the professional level
17.   What did this generation look for in a job?
A chance to make a contribution, opportunity to make a difference,  salary wasn’t the major concern, some people work for recognition, but rather finding something you like to do

18.    What assets does this generation bring to the workplace?
-attitude of achievement, good work ethic, skilled
19.    What liabilities does this generation bring to the workplace?
-talking with my best friend, asked him why he did not go to college? He said you would have to be smart, “I said no I don’t think you’re right, industrious”  -some people have a low self concept, see things as unattainable, there are those that think that things aren’t attainable-
20.  What are the keys to remember when working with this generation?
They have high expectations for themselves and will expect the same in you
21.   What is this generation’s leadership style?
Likes being in the leadership role, handles it well
22. What is this generation’s interactive style?
Works well with others
23. What is this generations view on:
a.   Technology-take it or leave, we have computers and devices-there are many of us without cell phones, laagers, taught to use a slide rule, you can use a calculator, but not on a test, only add multiply and divide
b.  Communication-we passed along fads and trends through communication, very important, face to face, telephone-party line, a lot of extended conversations, drop by, wrote letters, very important parents communicate our expectations, then give those same to our children, father would have a talk
c. Feedbacks and rewards-B.F. Skinard-reward punishment, 50cents an hr-one person paid 75cents, when worked on the farm 75, grocery store a little more, everybody likes positive feedback and recognition for what they do, a lot of emphasis on feedback-constructive criticism, parents, -rewards-not a lo-intrinsic rewards, not popular

24. What is this generation’s view of retirement?
-looking forward to it, after working for 40+ years, I  feel that I have done enough and it’s time to let someone  else to take over,  social security, more retirement, spend time with Sarah

1.     Ask these people what were their education struggles and successes?
Struggles-had a to pay for my own education, and sometimes I wondered where I was going to get the funds to do, able to get scholarships, loans, worked during the summers to pay for school.  Didn’t struggle with passing grade-major problem paying
Speech pathologist- had a stroke had to go to one a few years back
Success-winning scholarships, competed for them- had to get them, distinguished military graduate, won scholarships from private companies
2. Who was their favorite teacher? Douglas Mullar-he taught statistics-New Mexico State University, he had a dry sense of humor-but you had to listen to him and you could hear the humor in what he was saying, had high expectations, but gave you many chances to meet them
3. If they could change one thing, what would it be?
It would be, that everybody would have a home, homelessness has gotten to be devastating